
These notes were created over the course of the semester and consist of Playconomics textbook content, as well as tutorial content and past notes. They allowed me to achieve a 85 for the subject - and facilitated ease when approaching tutorial questions 1. Comparative advantage and basis for free trade 2. Supply in perfectly competitive markets 3. Demand in perfectly competitive markets 4. Perfectly competitive markets (demand and supply - an equilibrium analysis) 5. Perfectly competitive markets (Government Intervention: The cost of interfering with Market Forces) 6. Perfectly competitive markets (International trade) 7. Imperfectly competitive markets (monopoly) 8. Imperfectly competitive markets (oligopoly) 9. Imperfectly competitive markets (externalities) 10. Imperfectly competitive markets (public goods)


Semester 1, 2018

25 pages

5,533 words



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