Semester Notes for exam preparation
Subject notes for Swinburne AVA10002
Notes are perfect for exam preparation, or if you don't want to take notes during the semester. These notes were actually surprisingly helpful towards my exam preparation and the completion of the exam. The price was going to be higher as I put a lot of effort and time into creating this, however, I want to help as many people as I can, so I set the lowest price available. Good Luck for the exam and I hope you get a high mark. Topics Covered (in order): 1. Physics of the Atmosphere 2. Cardiovascular & Respiratory Physiology 3. Hypoxia & Hyperventilation 4. Pressure effects 5. Spacial Disorientation 6. Motion sickness 7. Vision 8. Aerobatic Physiology 9. Fatigue 10. Aeromedical certification & Fitness to fly 11. Crash dynamics & Accidents 12. Aircrew Survival

Semester 2, 2017
33 pages
4,200 words