
NEUR30002 Neurophysiology: Neurons and Circuits - Cellular Components of the Brain; Modulation of Membrane Potential; Ionotropic Receptors: Inhibition; Action Potentials & Sensory Transduction; Olfaction and Taste: The Chemical Senses; Measuring Neural Activity (Single Cells); Measuring Neural Activity (Networks of Neurons and the Brain); Enteric Nervous System; Neuropsychiatry and Gut; The Gut Microbiome: How Gut Bacteria Affects Our Nervous System; Introduction to Metabotropic Receptors; Modulation of Neuronal Function by Metabotropic Receptors; Presynaptic Processes: VGCC, Vesicular Release, Presynaptic Proteins; Presynaptic Processes: Axonal Transport & Structural Neuronal Polarity; Post-Synaptic Density; Synaptic Strength: Memory and Long Term Potentiation; Maintenance of the NEuron and Synapse: Neurotrophins; Computational Modelling of Neurons; Autonomic Nervous System; Viscerosensory Afferents; Focus on Disease: Understanding Schizophrenia; Synaptic/Sensory Processing in the NTS; Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis; Neurogenesis and the ANS; Respiratory System: Network Organisation; Respiratory System: Rhythm Generation; Respiratory System: Modulation of Respiratory Rhythm


Semester 1, 2018

167 pages

41,055 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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November 2018

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