
Comprehensive notes which include road maps! These notes are designed to make answering exam questions easy, quick and to a high standard. The idea is that there are "booklets" for each topic, so you can grab the booklet for the relevant topic and answer a question. There is colour and non-serif print for easy visual use. Topics: - Indefeasibility - Easements - Covenants - Boundaries - Leases - Mortgages - Native Title Relevant legislation sections and case law included. It combines my personal notes from all lectures, information provided in lectures, as well as notes from the textbook. Sample is an extract of the Leases "booklet" (pgs. 57-67), all topics are set out in the same way.


Semester 2, 2018

88 pages

46,508 words



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Flinders, Bedford Park

Member since

February 2012