HPS304- The Social Psychology of Relationships Lecture and Seminar notes
Subject notes for Deakin HPS304
Lecture, Tutorial and readings notes. Topic 1: Social Cognition & Ideal Standard 2- 20 Topic 2: Attachment Theory 20-30 Topic 3: Attachment and Mental Health 30-39 Topic 4: Social Interdependence & Relationship Investment 39-47 Topic 5: Emotions 47-52 Topic 6: Love & Commitment 52-57 Topic 7: Social Support 58-62 Topic 8: Communication & Conflict 62-65 Topic 9: Social Comparison 65-70 Topic 10: Aggression 70- 77 Topic 11: Ostracism 77- 83
Semester 2, 2017
84 pages
24,184 words