300754: Neutoanatomy: Complete Study Guide
Subject notes for WSU 300754
This guide contains Study aides for the Spot test and the Final examination. LECTURE MATERIAL (pg. 1-59); the following is covered and summarised from weekly content, including summaries and overviews at the end of each weeks lecture, simplifying the content. Week 1; Introduction to Nervous System Week 2 - Development of Nervous Systen Week 3 - Blood supply to the brain + Cortical Neuroanatomy I Week 4 - Cortical Neuroanatomy II Week 5 - Hypothalamus + Limbic System Week 6 - Motor Systems I; Descending control of movement Week 7 - Motor Systems II; Cerebellum + Basal Ganglia Week 8 - Sensory Systems I; Ascending Pathways Week 9 - NO CONTENT; BREAK Week 10 - Cranial Nerves Week 11 - Brainstem Week 12 - Sensory Systenms II; Pain Week 13 - PNS and Spinal Cord (application) Week 14 - Review SPOT TEST MATERIAL (pg. 60-107); NOTE; images used to study this material were not included due to copyright and intellectual property of the images. This section is designed to have one structure per page with an image of each structure in the middle. Was a great study technique for the Spotter Exam! (Hint; search each structure on kenhub and paste image accordingly) - Lobules and gyri - Functional Areas - Ventricular system - Internal structures - Cerebellum - White matter tracts - Cranial nerves - Blood supply; arteries - Blood supply; venous drainage - Spinal cord Use the written content and spot test content together to solidify a concrete understanding fo content.
Semester 2, 2018
107 pages
15,596 words
WSU, Campbelltown
Member since
January 2017