
This document includes everything you need to know for the entirety of BIOL1100. It has all 11 lectures summarised in neat, cohesive notes that include all definitions, examples, graphs that are clearly explained and even helpful images. I became passionate about this course and it encouraged me to write extensive notes and achieve a high grade on the weekly quizzes (almost a 7). I guarantee this document will get you a great mark if you revise it, I hope you enjoy this course as much as I did! Topics Covered: 1. Early Hominin Evolution & Modern Human Psychology (Lecture 1) 2. Early Hominin Evolution & Modern Human Psychology (Lecture 2) 3. Natural Selection & Biological Variation 4. Sexual Conflict 5. Sexual Selection Theory & Humans 6. Trade-Offs and Mating Systems 7. Understanding the Mating System of Great Apes 8. Lying and Cheating in Nature 9. Energy Budgets and Food Intake 10. The Evolution of Human Food Choices 11. The Evolution of Life Span (and Back to Food)


Semester 2, 2018

78 pages

15,858 words



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