LAWS2012 IPCL succinct lecture notes
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2012
Each week has been completely and succinctly summarized per individual lecture notes and tutorial notes to create comprehensive understanding. List of topics: Topic 1 (A): The concept and function of property. (B) Real property introduction Topic 2: Personal Property - Introduction to Choses in Possession (A): Taxonomy of personal property (B): Identifying legal interests in choses in possession: Ownership and/vs Possession (C): Engaging in dealings in choses in possession Topic 3: Personal Property - Introduction to Choses in Action Topic 4: Assignment and Disposition of Interests Topic 5(A): Priority Regimes THESE NOTES DO NOT HAVE (B): Commercial Dealings as Security Interests over Property
Semester 1, 2018
69 pages
26,155 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2015