
Table of Contents (readings) 1. Social Cognition Unbound Insights Into Anthropomorphism & Dehumanisation (Waytz, Epley & Cacioppo 2010) 2. To What Extent is the Experience of Empathy Mediated by Shared Neural Circuits (Decety, 2010) 3. Social Emotions & Intertemporal Choice (DeSteno, 2009) 4. The nonverbal communication of emotions (Tracy, Randles & Steckler 2015) 5. Addressing Empathic Failures (Zaki & Cikara, 2015) 6. Perceived social isolation, evolutionary fitness & health outcomes (Hawkley & Capitanio, 2015) 7. Can Neuroscience Advance Social Psychology Theory (Amodio ,2010) 8. An Action Based Model of Cognitive Dissonance Process (Harmon Jones et al.,2015) 9. Proximal & Distal Defence: A New Perspective on Unconscious Motivation (Pyszczynski et al.,2000) 10. Pride & Prejudice: Fear of Death & Social Behaviour (Solomon et al.,2000)


Semester 2, 2017

5 pages

2,800 words


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