MKTG2000 - Integrated Marketing Communications Notes
Subject notes for Curtin MKTG2000
These notes are combined lecture slides, notes taken during the lecture and personal research taken throughout the semester. Key definitions are bolded and acronyms/letters are used help to remember key blocks of information. Key slides highlighted during the lectures are also shown with an asterisk. Each chapter is started on a new page for ease of printing. Chapters covered: Week 1 - Chapter 1: Integrated Marketing Communication – How Marketing Communication Evolved and Chapter 2: Planning for IMC Week 2 – Chapter 4: Consumer Behaviour and Chapter 7: Establishing objectives and budgeting for the IMC program Week 3 – Chapter 5 and Chapter 6: How Do We Communicate Week 4 - Chapter 8 and Chapter 9: Message Strategy and Execution Week 5 – Chapter 11, Chapter 12 and Chapter 13: Media – Strategy and choices (not covered in mid-semester test) Week 6 – Mid-semester test Week 7 – Chapter 15: Digital and Social Media Week 8 – Chapter 14: Direct Marketing and Chapter 22: Personal Selling Week 9 – Chapter 16: Public Relations and Chapter 17: Sales Promotion Week 10 – Chapter 18: Measuring the effectiveness of the IMC program Week 11 – Presentations I received an overall mark of 88% for this unit including 38/40 in the mid-semester test and 41/45 in the exam.
Semester 2, 2018
82 pages
10,978 words
Curtin, Bentley
Member since
November 2017