
These notes comprise all examinable content in the Company Law for Business mid-semester test AND final exam. This packet is clear and concise and includes all important case law, sections and descriptions. Topics covered: Topic 1: About companies, company law, and the legal nature of companies Topic 2: Piercing the corporate veil and companies and business planning Topic 3: Constituting companies Topic 4: Managing Companies, Members’ Meetings and Company Directors & Other Officers Topic 5: Transacting by companies Topic 6: Directors’ Duties Part 1 Topic 7: Directors’ Duties Part 2 Topic 8: Members’ Remedies and Reporting & Disclosure Topic 9: Financing Companies, Shares, and Shareholding Topic 10: Capital Maintenance and Fundraising I received a High Distinction for the BLAW2006 mid-semester test and the final exam.


Semester 2, 2018

68 pages

32,846 words



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Curtin, Bentley

Member since

February 2018