
- A highly condensed and structured Land Law final note. - Only 14 pages!!! And I guarantee it covers everything you need in the exam with 100% accuracy (reference included) - I know Land Law is a bit messy but in this note, everything is logically ordered and presented in tables. - Again, it is important to always have a flowchart in mind when approaching Land Law scenarios, and this is what this note does--help you break a land law issue down STEP BY STEP. - BEST quality--got an HD (86) and won the Dean's List in Land Law. - The price is comparatively high because I literally spent hundreds of hours on this note and thousands on Land Law, and I know it's worth it. - It's my favourite subject and I hope you enjoy it as well. Topic List: 1. Indefeasibility 2. Competing Equitable Interest 3. Lease 4. Co-ownership 5. Mortgage 6. Easement 7. Freehold Covenant


Semester 2, 2018

14 pages

7,564 words



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