
My notes are a comprehensive combination of both lecture content and practicals, allowing me to get a HD for the subject. With hard work and these notes, you can too! The notes were created throughout the semester and are in-depth and thorough, with diagrams to consolidate knowledge. They are not rushed and very detailed, with each lecture on 2 pages (some longer lectures span to 3 pages) The themes covered are: Theme 1- Principals of Therapeutics, Theme 2- Drugs and the Genitourinary System, Theme 3- Drugs and inflammation and the respiratory system, Theme 4- Drugs and the Cardiovascular system. The notes are designed with each new lecture having a title coloured in red. The titles in blue are sub-topics within that lecture. The drug list is not included in the word count, so over 15,000 words!


Semester 1, 2018

66 pages

13,992 words



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