
These notes were complied in Semester Two, 2017 - however, these notes are still relevant as LAW2450 still uses the same 'Course Guide'. The compilation of these notes were done by using hand written notes from the lectures, from then these were then built on as I re-watched the lectures to consolidated both my knowledge and notes. These notes have detailed information on each topic, which has been filtered into headings and further into sub-headings in a neat and legible format. Moreover, case references been common and case law have been included and underlined. These topics include: 1. Concept of Companies 2. Rules of Company 3. Contracts with Outsiders 4. Management of Companies 5. Director Duties 6. Corporate Finance 7. Members Remedies 8. Insolvency NOTE: I achieved a HD for this subject.


Semester 2, 2017

51 pages

18,615 words



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RMIT, Melbourne City

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March 2017