
These are full ECOS2002 notes, they cover each topic of the course. They have been created using lecture slides, lecture recordings (all lectures were watched and paused frequently to add to the lecture slides), the textbook (also fully read and summarised in the notes) and my own independent research. The notes include two parts: 1. The full notes (at the beginning) - these are the long, complete notes that have not been cut down. 2. A summary (proceeding the notes) that summarises and includes only the information necessary. This makes the content easier to study for the exam. The topics in the notes include: 1. Economic performance and measuring performance 2. The LS-LM model 3. The labour market 4. The AS-AD model 5. Inflation and unemployment; the Phillips curve 6. Economic growth 7. Consumption and investment 8. Open-economy macroeconomics


Semester 2, 2018

258 pages

102,809 words



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