Ultimate Public Law Notes
Subject notes for USYD LAWS1021
Concise and Comprehensive set of notes, covering everything you need to succeed in Public Law. Notes Include: - Refined Topic Notes structured by topic - Detailed case summaries including the facts, principles and reasoning Topics Include: - Outline of constitutional documents and their history - The constitution its structure and principles - Types of constitutions - Amendment of the commonwealth constitution - Amendment of the state constitutions – manner and form - Representation of the people in the legislature - Right to vote - Qualification and disqualification of members of parliament and disputed elections - The executive - Introduction to executive power - Nationhood power - The capacities of the executive – the powers to contract and spend - Access to government documents - Production of documents ordered by house - Rule – making accountability - Fourth arm of government – integrity bodies - The separation of powers and the meaning of judicial power - The separation of powers (continued) and its effect on federal judges and federal courts - State courts and the exercise of judicial power - Federal detention of individuals and the exercise of legislative and judicial power - Matters and standing before the courts
Semester 1, 2019
116 pages
46,489 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2017