
This is a comprehensive compilation of information from ECOM20001 lectures, the textbook, tutorials, practicals, workshops, problem booklets and other useful sources I found online to aid my study. Each section (particularly the harder concepts) is supported by easy to read and understand dot points, diagrams, pictures and thorough example exam-style questions. Includes all summarised formulae required to know for each topic. Topics included are: 1. Probability (random variables, probability distributions, PDF, CDF, expectations, conditional distributions, LLN, CLT). 2. Statistics (null hypotheses, t-tests, p-values) 3. Single linear regression (estimation, testing, marginal distributions) 4. Multiple linear regression (omitted variable bias, assumptions, Gauss Markov theorem, dummy variables) 5. Nonlinear regression (partial effect estimation, polynomial regression, logarithmic regression models, interaction models, elasticity) 6. Empirical selection analyses (threats to internal and external validity) 7. Time series analysis (lags, autoregression models, autocorrelations and autocovariances, Granger-Causality test, seasonality, stationarity, forecasting)


Semester 1, 2019

22 pages

6,375 words



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