
Examinable topics include: 1. Torrens methodology (i) Priority disputes and indefeasibility (ii) Exceptions to indefeasibility under s 68 TLA (iii) Non-s68 exceptions (iv) Extent of indefeasibility (v) Unregistered/equitable interests (vi) Caveats (vii) Priority disputes (viii) Scheme for compensation 2. Easements (i) Types (ii) Essential characteristics (iii) Creation of easements at law and in equity (iv) Remedies 3. Leases (i) Essential characteristics (ii) Formalities of leases (iii) Obligations and rights of landlords and tenants (iv) Termination (v) Landlord's other remedies (vi) Forfeiture (table) 4. Mortgages (i) General law mortgage (ii) Torrens system mortgage (iii) Mortgage covenants (iv) Right of redemption (v) Priority disputes (vi) Doctrine of tacking Mark: Distinction


Semester 2, 2017

52 pages

25,866 words



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