
200 PRACTICE QUESTIONS! Same Multiple Choice format as the exam and WITH ANSWERS! Great Study resource for those wanting to progress to honours or just wanting to get a good grade for this subject! Notes and practice questions are a combination of lecture and reading content. They are very comprehensive and easy to understand with key words/themes. I received a HD for the exam in this unit. Topics covered: - History and Diagnosis of Abnormality - Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders - Disorders of Childhood - Late Life disorders - Disorders of sleep - Eating Disorders - Mood Disorders: Depressive disorders, Bipolar and related disorders - Personality disorders - Anxiety disorders - OCD and Trauma related disorders - Schizophrenia - Substance use Disorder


Semester 2, 2018

89 pages

1,200 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

March 2019