
All you need to know for the exam. Mostly from lecture notes, but also some from required reading too. 1. History and Theories 2. Research Methods 3. Brain Behaviour - includes diagrams 4. Culture 5. Cognitive Psych - Piaget's Developmental Psych 6. Social Developmental Psych - Erickson's Psychosocial, Attachment theory, parenting styles, relationship with peers, and theory of mind 7. Learning - classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitive-social learning 8. Social Psychology - social learning, social cognition, social influence 9. Personality - traits models 10. Stress/coping - fear, stress, coping and behavioural change 11. Psychological disorders - Anxiety, OCD, Depressive disorders, Bipolar, Schizophrenia


Semester 1, 2019

33 pages

6,203 words



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QUT, Gardens Point

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