Complete Exam Review Notes
Subject notes for QUT PYB100
All you need to know for the exam. Mostly from lecture notes, but also some from required reading too. 1. History and Theories 2. Research Methods 3. Brain Behaviour - includes diagrams 4. Culture 5. Cognitive Psych - Piaget's Developmental Psych 6. Social Developmental Psych - Erickson's Psychosocial, Attachment theory, parenting styles, relationship with peers, and theory of mind 7. Learning - classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitive-social learning 8. Social Psychology - social learning, social cognition, social influence 9. Personality - traits models 10. Stress/coping - fear, stress, coping and behavioural change 11. Psychological disorders - Anxiety, OCD, Depressive disorders, Bipolar, Schizophrenia
Semester 1, 2019
33 pages
6,203 words