
This is the latest note set for INFO20003 - Database Systems, made in Semester 2, 2019. The note set contains all examinable topics, from Weeks 1 to 12. It is important that you use my latest notes to study for INFO20003, because the lecturer was changed in 2017 with the course contents. The topics covered in include: - Introduction to Database Systems - Database Development Process - Introduction to Data Modelling (ER) - Relational Models - Modelling with MySQL - Relational Algebra - SQL - Storage and Indexing - Query Processing - Query Optimization - Normalization - Database Administration - Transactions - Data Warehousing - Distributed Databases - NoSQL Databases The topics are summarized in the same order as they are covered in lectures. Content is succinct and compact, all information included is relevant and important for the exam. Although there is a lot of content in this subject, if you familiarize yourself with these notes and do the sample exam provided, getting a H1 should not be hard.


Semester 2, 2019

66 pages

8,159 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

July 2019