
Extremely concise scaffolds used for final exam preparation leading to a fantastic top overall mark in the course. Criminal Procedure topics covered include: Class 1: Introduction to Criminal Law Class 2: Police Powers and Discretion Class 3: Bail and Appeals Class 4: Pre-Trial Process, the Decision to Prosecute and Mandatory Defence Disclosure Class 5: Sentencing and Punishment Civil Procedure topics covered include: Class 6: Process, Open Justice and Fairness, Adversarial System of Justice, Case Management Alternative Dispute Resolution, Costs and Ethics Class 7: Matters Preceding Litigation and Commencing Proceedings Class 8: Pleadings and Particulars, Gathering Evidence in Civil Cases Class 9: Opposing Disclosure - Objecting to Production and/or Access: Privilege Class 10: Trial or No Trial


Semester 1, 2019

98 pages

22,553 words



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