
Notes detailing each week's content along with case summaries. Case summaries are very important for this unit, so I have presented them in a way that is clear and concise. Bring these notes into your test and exam and they will help you a lot, as they did for me! Week 1 - Regulatory Framework & Characteristics of a Company Week 2 - Companies & Trusts Week 3 - Constitution, Replaceable Rules & Fundraising Week 4 - Share Capital Week 5 - Shareholders' Meetings Week 6 - Corporate Management & Insider Trading Week 7 - Directors' Duties: s181, s182 & s183 Week 8 - Directors' Duties: s180 Duty of Care, Skill & Diligence Week 9 - Directors' Duties: Insolvency Week 10 - Shareholders' Remedies Week 11 - Corporate Insolvency


Semester 2, 2019

74 pages

24,791 words



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