401067 Paramedic Practice 1 Comprehensive Notes
Subject notes for WSU 401067
Notes used for the unit Paramedic Practice 1 Include all 14 weeks of unit content and are in depth. Great for those looking to getting a head start on the unit. Topics include: - Week 1: Intro to Prac Systems and Infection Control - Week 2: System of Care and Assessment - Week 3: Primary Survey and History Taking - Week 4: Vital Signs - Week 5: Secondary Survey, Physical Examination and Pain Assessment and Management - Week 6: Paediatrics, Geriatrics and Challenging Assessment Situations and Oxygen Therapy - Week 7: Introduction to Basic ECG Acquisition and Principles of Resuscitation - Week 8: Using Medications - Week 10: Airway Management - Week 11: Defibrillation and Cardiac Arrest Management - Week 12: Managing High Acuity Scenes - Week 13: Managing Yourself *Disclaimer: NSW Ambulance pharmacology protocol has been used. An updated version has been released since the writing of these notes.
Semester 2, 2017
64 pages
9,658 words
WSU, Campbelltown
Member since
February 2016