BMET5907 Concise Summary
Subject notes for USYD BMET5907
Can't make it to the lectures? Thesis stressing you out? Take these concise cheap notes to ensure that you smash out any quiz that he throws at you! Week 1 Course overview, anatomy review, bone and joints. Week 2 Principles of artificial joint replacement, specifics of knee and hip implants. Week 3 Implant design and manufacturing. Week 4 Design Control and Regulatory aspects of Orthopaedic Innovation. Week 5 Statics, principles of biocompatibility, biomaterials, metals, polymers, ceramics. Week 6 Joint Loads, muscles and gait analysis. Fixation with bone cement, biological fixation, implant stiffness, stress shielding, bone remodeling. Week 7 Casting Technologies in Orthopaedics. Week 9 Ceramics in Orthopaedics, Coatings – DLC and HA Week 10 FEA in Orthopaedics Week 11 Engineering and cardiovascular surgery Week 12 Engineering in other areas of surgery.
Semester 2, 2019
29 pages
1,245 words
Macq., North Ryde
Member since
September 2013