
These notes include all the topics covered in the final exam in LAWS1017 Torts & Contracts II. I used these notes to study for the final exam and it was useful in setting out legal rules and exceptions. My notes are colour coded by: - Purple for topic headings/case names/legislation/case summaries - Blue for setting out scaffolds - Light blue for subheadings - Red for important points - Yellow for legal tests My notes also have colourful tables for excerpts of legislation required for the exam and in setting out LEGAL TESTS. Topics include: - Introduction to Vitiating Factors and the Remedy of Rescission - Vitiating Factors: Undue influence, unconscionable transactions and unfair contract terms - Mistake - Misrepresentation at CL; Misleading or Deceptive Conduct - Trespass to Land - Tort of Private Nuisance - Tort Liability for Interference with Goods - Liability in Tort for Pure Economic Loss: Deceit, Negligent Misstatements and Professional Negligence - Liability in Negligence for Pure Economic Loss: Loss from Damage to 3rd Party Property or Injury - Liability in Negligence for Pure Economic Loss: Duties of Care for PEL from Defective Structures and Products - Multiple Wrongdoers: Proportionate Liability


Semester 2, 2019

87 pages

37,676 words



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