
These notes are easy to read, well set-out and include all the key content you will be tested on in this unit. I used these notes for the online APLIA tests, the written assignment and the final examination, and performed very well in all. These notes have been constructed using lecture materials and the prescribed textbook (Yes, I did all the readings - so you don't have to). I have made sure they aren't too long so as to ensure you can easily find everything when revising. I have priced them at $34 as I believe they are worth the money. The number of hours you will save using these notes will be well worth it. Keep in mind I achieved an overall score of 91 for this unit - a great way to tick off one of the more difficult first-year units. TOPICS INCLUDED: 1. Introduction and Core Concepts 2. How Markets Work 3. Markets, Welfare and Government Policies 4. Firm Behaviour and the Organisation of Industry 5. Market Failure, Externalities and Common Resources


Trimester 2, 2019

53 pages

24,271 words



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