
Comprehensive study package covering all lecture content assessed in the MICR2208 mid-semester exam. Notes are sourced directly from lecture recordings and Prescott's Microbiology 10th Ed. Notes are split into 8 parts and are accompanied by tables that summarise the content to consolidate learning. Topics include: - Part 1 - History and Scope of Microbiology and Taxonomy (L01-L02) - Part 2 - Prokaryotic Structure and Function (L03-L04) - Part 3 - Characteristics and Diversity of Bacteria (L05-L06) - Part 4 - Characteristics and Diversity of Archaea (L07) - Part 5 - Eukaryotic Structure and Function (L08) - Part 6 - Characteristics and Diversity of Fungi (L09) - Part 7 - The Protists (L10-L11) - Part 8 - Viruses and Other Acellular Infectious Agents (L13-L14) *L12 not included as it was a review lecture


Semester 1, 2019

37 pages

16,830 words



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UWA, Crawley

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July 2018