
The course has been updated, these notes are the latest and most extensive taxation notes available and are the result of a 3 student collaboration. They also contain scaffolds for pro forma answers to problem questions and worked solutions. You will not need any other materials for this course. All three students scored in the high 80s. Topics covered; 1 - Introduction to Tax Policy and the Australian Tax System 2 - Concepts of Income 3 - Capital Gains Tax 4 - Income From Property, Compensation Receipts and Periodic Receipts 5 - Taxation of Remuneration 6 - Business Income 7 - Deductions 8 - Business Taxation: Trading Stock and Depreciation 9 - Introduction to Entity Taxation, Partnerships and Companies 10 - Taxation of Trusts 11 - Issues in Tax Administration 12 - GST 13 - Ethical Conduct and Rules to Counter Tax Avoidance 14 - Exam Prep


Semester 2, 2019

144 pages

72,752 words



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