
Lecture 1 – Scope of Sports Medicine Lecture 2 – Classification of Injuries Lecture 3 – Classification of Overuse Injuries Lecture 4 – Acute Soft Tissue Injuries Lecture 5 – Epidemiology Lecture 6 – Taping and Bracing Lecture 7 – Flexibility, Stretching, and Injury Lecture 8 – Facial Trauma Lecture 9 – Sports First Aid and Field Management of Injuries Lecture 10 – Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport Lecture 11 – Infections in Sport and Exercise Lecture 12 – Knee Injuries Lecture 13 – The Upper Limb Lecture 14 – Lower Limb Lecture 15 – Lower Lowering Limb Lecture 16 – Neck Injuries Cardiac Conditions Shoulder Injuries Trunk Injuries


Semester 1, 2019

74 pages

12,540 words



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