
I achieved HDs for my IP assignment and exam using these notes. They comprise a comprehensive yet concise incorporation of ALL readings, including: - The textbook - Cases - Study guides - Lecture materials They are very thorough and easy to read so you won't need to read the textbook, cases or study guides, which will save a lot of time. They include the following topics: 1. Introduction to IP 2. Trade Marks A: Registrability 3. Trade Marks B: Ownership, Opposition, Rights and Infringement 4. Trade Marks C: Defences and Counterclaims 5. Copyright A: Protection and Ownership 6. Copyright B: Rights and Infringement 7. Copyright C: Defences and remedies 8. Patents A: Rationales and Invention 9. Patents B: Validity 10. Patents C: Rights and Infringement


Trimester 1, 2019

175 pages

63,632 words



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