
Very structured exam notes with short case summaries embedded. Very useful for a problem based exam as key arguments and principles are included and references are to made to the AS4000 clauses. Both me and my friend worked on these notes together and used them in our exam* (our scores were 86 and 87). Note: the exam is based on the AS4000 contract but due to the amount of different guest lecturers in the course teaching different contracts, AS4000 was hardly taught in class. Hopefully the notes are sufficient in covering all the relevant AS4000 clauses (and save you the trouble and self-learning like we did) All topics in the course are covered: - Risk allocation and delivery models - Extensions of time - Quality of work - Costs - Variations - Regulation of the construction industry - Latent conditions - Superintendents - Subcontracts - Securities - Insurance - Duty of care / proportionate liability - Building information modelling *My friend has agreed to the sale of these notes and all profits will be shared.


Semester 2, 2019

46 pages

17,713 words



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Monash, Clayton

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January 2015