
These notes provide great a summary for each module listed below. Overall these notes will prepare one well for the final exam by having an in depth understanding of each module. > Module 1: Introduction to compulsory acquisition and procedures > Module 2: Heads of compensation - market value, special value, severance loss, injurious affection, disturbance and solatium > Module 3: Further matters in compensation > Module 4: Compulsory acquisition - valuation approaches > Module 5: Demonstrate valuation approaches and methods > Module 6: Compensation for easement acquisition > Module 7: Goodwill and tax issues in compensation > Module 8: API Practice requirements and introduction to the NSW Land and Environment Court > Module 9: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) > Module 10: Court conduct > Module 11: Other Statutory Valuations > Module 12: Professional liability


Semester 1, 2020

24 pages

8,362 words



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WSU, Parramatta

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February 2018