
These notes are a comprehensive summary of AFM340 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook readings. I received an HD in this unit so these notes are very high quality. They simplify complicated ideas, while explaining them succinctly. They will be beneficial to any student undertaking this unit, as it has a lot of content. The topics covered in these notes are: Topic 1 - The Nature and Extent of Fraud Topic 2 - Why People Commit Fraud Topic 3 - Fraud Fighting Topic 4 - Recognising the Symptoms of Fraud Topic 5 - Data Driven Fraud Detection Topic 6 - Investigating Theft Acts Topic 7 - Investigating Concealment & Conversion Topic 8 - Inquiry Methods & Fraud Reports Topic 9 - Financial Statement Fraud Topic 10 - Fraud Against Organisations Topic 11 - Consumer & E-Commerce Fraud


Trimester 1, 2020

77 pages

29,903 words



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UNE, Armidale

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April 2017