ACCT3011 Complete and Comprehensive Notes
Subject notes for USYD ACCT3011
Comprehensive notes based on the material from all 13 weeks of lectures, tutorials, and textbook readings. Examples provided where applicable and Accounting Standard references provided where appropriate. Topics include: - Consolidation and the Concept of Control - Principles of Consolidation and the Consolidation Process - Fair Value Adjustments and Tax Effects - Intra-group Transactions: Borrowing and Inventory - Intra-group Transactions: Non-Current Assets - Partly Owned Subsidiaries: Direct Non-Controlling Interest (NCI) - Compulsory Disclosures: Segment and Related Parties - Accounting for Associates and JVs: the Equity Method - Accounting for Joint Operations and Foreign Currency Translation - Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting - Issues in Consolidations - The Standard Setting Process - Social and Environmental Accounting These notes helped me do really well and so would highly recommend them!!
Semester 1, 2020
69 pages
23,703 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2017