Comprehensive Constitutional Law Notes
Subject notes for LaTrobe LAW2CSL
Comprehensive Constitutional Law Notes which got me an overall of 82 (HD) in the subject. Notes are based off the lecture slides but I have added descriptions of terminology and cases to help further understanding of the topics. The notes include a comprehensive checklist at the start as your basis for answering any question and also an how to guide on how to answer the questions depending on the format they may appear in ( short answer or essay question) Topics covered include: Topic 1: Introduction: What is a Constitution? Topic 2: Constitutional Interpretation and Characterisation Topic 3: The Federal Framework Pt I Topic 4: The Federal Framework Pt II States and Territories Topic 5: Commonwealths Grants and Corporations Power Topic 6: The External Affairs Power Topic 7: Executive Power Topic 8: Separation of Judicial Power Pt I Topic 9: Separation of Judicial Power Pt II Topic 10: Implied Freedom Political Communication Topic 11: Express Freedoms and Inconsistency
Semester 2, 2019
96 pages
42,885 words