
Notes Compiled through whole semester. Notes are simplified, colour coded. Step by Step application of case law and Statues Relevant and most important CISG provisions are provided with commentary and explanation. Cases are summarised and key findings outlined. These Notes are all you need to Top International Commercial Law with flying colors. Topics Covered Include; PART 1: PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW TOPIC 1: Introduction to International Commercial Law Topic 2A: CISG Topic 2B: CISG (Continued) Topic 3: International Carriage of Goods by Sea Topic 4: Means of Payment in International Trade PART 2: PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Topic 5: The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Topic 6: International Investment Law Topic 6B: International Investment Laws (Domestic Level) PART 3: INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION Topic 7: International Commercial Dispute Resolution


Trimester 3, 2019

75 pages

31,248 words



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