
Comprehensive yet succinct. Well formatted for ease of revision and exam preparation. As you can see from the outline, all required cases are included and up to date. It's a detailed scaffold structured according to the final exam approach. If you understand and follow the logic of the scaffolds, you'll do very well in the final exam. Note: Green as the statutory authorities Red as common law cases Topics include: Trademarks: 1. THE LAW OF PASSING OFF 2. THE LAW OF REGISTERED TRADE MARKS 3. ABSOLUTE GROUNDS OF REFUSAL I 4. ABSOLUTE GROUNDS OF REFUSAL II 5. RELATIVE GROUNDS OF REFUSAL 6. INFRINGEMENT 7. LOSS OF RIGHTS 8. EXPLOITATION OF TRADE MARKS Patent: 1. THE LAW OF PATENTS 2. PATENTABLE SUBJECT MATTER: MANNER OF MANUFACTURE 3. PATENTABILITY CRITERIA – SECTION 18 4. DISCLOSURE AND CLAIMING REQUIREMENTS; CLAIM CONSTRUCTION 5. INVENTORSHIP & OWNERSHIP 6. INFRINGEMENT AND DEFENCES 7. EXPLOITATION OF PATENTS 8. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF PROTECTION


Semester 1, 2020

22 pages

67,390 words



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