PHY3171 Semester 1 2020 Notes
Subject notes for Monash PHY3171
Entire 12 weeks' worth of notes compiled from lectures, tutorials, prescribed textbook and further research including pre-unit revision - Pre-unit revision - Regulation of the cardiovascular system by nerves and hormones - What is hypertension? - Role of the kidneys in long-term BP regulation - Cerebral blood flow and stroke - Global cardiovascular disease - Endothelial control of blood flow - Sex differences in cardiovascular disease - Cardio-oncology - Heart failure - Early origins of cardiovascular disease - Kidney disease - Atherosclerosis I received a HD in this subject using these notes and hopefully you can too!
Semester 1, 2020
53 pages
18,395 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
July 2017