
These notes helped me achieve an H1 (86) in MBB1, and I hope they can help you do the same! They are an excellent resource for revision, written in simplified easy-to-understand English to help you grasp difficult concepts, and includes all the content you need to know for the exam for Module 1 and 3. Many lecture notes have been written in the form of a Q&A format, making it easy for testing yourself throughout the semester as well as exam revision. The content covered includes: - Module 1: Learning and Cognition (lectures 1-8); and - Module 3: Behavioural Neuroscience (lectures 15-20). Note: There are no notes included for Module 2: Sensation and Perception (lectures 9-14), since everything you will need to know is already covered in detail on the lecture slides, and it is possible to do well with the given notes. I hope you find these notes helpful!


Semester 1, 2020

44 pages

15,535 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

February 2019