
Hi I prepared these templates after reading the prescribed cases and attending lectures. After completing practice exams, I restructured the templates so that they were easy to follow under the time constraints of the exam. Because defamation is very fact-specific, each section contains concise case summaries to help you with factual analysis. The templates are also colour coded: headings and sub-headings to write down in the exam (maroon), words to replace (green) and sentences to write down in the exam if time permits (orange). Hopefully these templates can also help you achieve a HD in the exam. Table of Contents: 1. Preliminary considerations 2. Has the plaintiff been defamed by the matter? 3. Does the defamatory matter refer to the plaintiff? 4. Does the plaintiff have standing to institute proceedings for defamation? 5. Has the matter been published? 6. Defences (truth, contextual truth, fair comment, honest opinion, absolute privilege, qualified privilege and triviality) 7. Remedies 8. Breach of confidence 9. Privacy


Semester 1, 2019

88 pages

28,901 words



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