JAPN2405 Final Exam Notes
Subject notes for UWA JAPN2405
These comprehensive exam notes include information about the Grammar structures, Kanji, Vocabulary and Useful Expressions in every chapter. They are notes collated from the lectures, tutorials and textbook. The topics covered are: 第1課 尋ねる、確かめる (Chapter 1: Asking/confirming) 第2課 電話で連絡する (Chapter 2: Contacting by phone) 第3課 頼む (Chapter 3: Requesting) 第4課 許可をもらう (Chapter 4: Asking for a favour) 第5課 誘う、断る (Chapter 5: Inviting/declining) 第7課 症状を伝える (Chapter 7: Communicating symptoms)
Semester 1, 2020
8 pages
5,250 words
UWA, Crawley
Member since
February 2018