LLB205 Equity and Trusts Comprehensive Case Summaries
Subject notes for QUT LLB205
Comprehensive Equity and Trusts Law Case Summaries Essential for the Final Exam Easy to read and navigate in exam conditions Achieved a mark of 7 on the final exam, using these summaries Includes: Full case summaries for all prescribed and recommended cases All pertinent case facts, court decision and key case principles Contents: Undue Influence Unconscionable Bargains Confidential Information Fiduciary Duties, including Third Party Liability Equitable Estoppel Constructive Trusts: Unconscionable Denial of Beneficial Interests Equitable Monetary Remedies Equitable Personal Remedies: Specific Performance Equitable Personal Remedies: Injunctions Nature, Description and Classification of Trusts The Creation of Trusts: Capacity and the Three Certainties Requirements of Writing The Creation of Trusts: Complete Constitution Purpose Trusts – Trusts for Unincorporated Associations and Charitable Trusts Resulting Trusts, Void and Voidable Trusts Trusteeship: Capacity, Appointment and Removal of Trustees Trusteeship: Duties, Powers, Discretion and Rights of Trustees Beneficiaries Rights, Remedies and Defences for Breach of Trust
Semester 2, 2019
25 pages
9,292 words
QUT, Gardens Point
Member since
June 2016