
Comprehensive notes which include road maps to help with answering questions. Designed so that the topics are split into little "booklets" to allow for easy use in an exam or for working through tutorial questions. Includes: - Introduction: What is "Evidence"? - Relevance - Competence and Compellability - Special Classes of Witnesses - Burden & Standards of Proof - Common Law Presumptions - Prima Facie Case - Privilege and Immunity - Examination of the Witness - Character Evidence and the Accused as a Witness - Similar Fact or Propensity Evidence - Opinion Evidence - ID & Corroboration Evidence - Real Evidence - Hearsay - Admissions & Confessions - Unlawfully & Improperly Obtained Evidence Sample is an extract of the Common Law Presumptions "booklet", all topics are set out in the same way.


Semester 2, 2018

94 pages

45,906 words



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Flinders, Bedford Park

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February 2012