
Incredibly comprehensive and extensive notes from ALL seminars, including content from assigned readings and relevant cases. Very good notes to use a substitute for lectures. Very useful to supplement your on-call tutorials. These notes have all content from class discussions and problem questions explained. I used these notes to get 100% for tutorial participation. The notes have relevant cases explained with the material facts and judgement. The nots also have scaffold for topics to guide answers to problem questions. These notes contain ALL topics, including: Introduction to Criminal Law; Principles of Criminal Law; Elements of Criminal Offences I & II; Homicide I & II; Assault and Wounding; ABH and GBH; Sexual Offences; Sexual Assault; Larceny; Complicity; Extreme Provocation; Self-Defence; Duress and Necessity; Mental Illness and SIAM; Automatism and Involuntariness; Intoxication.


Semester 2, 2019

111 pages

43,075 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2017