
Hey! Thanks for checking out my notes. I loved this subject and found all of the personality theories really fascinating. I received a mark of 90 for this subject. My grades across all subjects average within the top 1% of my cohort and my WAM is 89. These notes cover the following: Week 1: Introduction (lecture, tutorial) Week 2: Introduction Cont. (reading, lecture, tutorial) Week 3: Post-Freudian and Neuropsychoanalysis (lecture, pre-tutorial reading, tutorial) Week 4: Trait & Dynamic Personality (reading, lecture) Week 5: Evolutionary, Humanistic, & Positive Psychology (lecture, tutorial) Week 6: Personal Constructs & Revision (lecture) Week 7 - No content delivered this week Week 8: New Directions in Personality Psychology (tutorial, lecture) Week 9: Person Perception, Errors & Biases (lecture) Week 10: Attributions & the Social Self (lecture) Week 11: Group Influence (lecture) Week 12: Emotion and Leadership (tutorial, lecture)


Semester 1, 2020

61 pages

17,651 words



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