Latest HD Comprehensive M&A Notes: INCLUDES *ALL* READINGS
Subject notes for USYD FINC3013
These notes include everything you need to know about the many reading tasks in this course. I was able to obtain a HD in this course. I have helped you summarise all these long articles into the main key points so that you do not have to spend so much time reading those articles in full. For difficult topics, I have also included a section on the main concepts that you will need to take away. These topics include: 1. Introduction to M&A 2. Assessing M&A Outcomes 3. Merger Waves 4. Why do firms engage in M&A 5. Synergy and Deal Valuation 6. Form of Payment 7. Form of Payment II 8. Alternatives to M&A 9. LBO and Go Privates 10. Hostile Takeovers 11. Merger Arbitrage 12. Shareholder Activism
Semester 2, 2020
83 pages
37,114 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2018