
Well-organised notes of the readings for Global Human Rights, under clear headings and dot-points, complete with page numbers for journal articles. These notes also include some summaries of the legislation that is a part of the required readings for this subject. These notes helped me achieve a score of 85 for the subject, and were especially handy to have for the final research essay, as well as the required weekly discussion board entries (which are expected to draw upon readings). Includes the following readings: - Statement on Human Rights by the American Association of Anthropologists - Declarations and Reservations for ICESCR/ICCPR* - Human Rights Council visit to the UK - Two steps forward, one step back?: The field of women's human rights - International Human Rights Law and a Developing World Perspective - Council of Europe: Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950)* - African Charter on Human and People's Rights (1981)* - ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (2012)* - Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Colour - United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples* - Uluru Statement from the Heart - The place of the first peoples in the international sphere - COVID-19 and Human Rights - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities* - Out of Darkness and into Light? Introducing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) - Convention relating to the Status of Refugees* - International Refugee and Human Rights Law: Partners in Ensuring International Protection and Asylum - Restoring the 'human' in 'human rights': personhood and doctrinal innovation in the UN disability convention - Creating Legal Rights for Rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India - Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities* - The Endtimes of Human Rights - The Future of Human Rights: From Gatekeeping to Symbiosis - The State of Human Rights Consciousness: Not Yet Endtimes *these are pieces of legislation, corresponding notes are summaries of the legislation.


Semester 2, 2020

61 pages

15,000 words



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