
These notes include all readings prescribed for the unit and incorporates information provided by lecturers in seminars. It is a COMPLETE and comprehensive set of notes for the semester and you will basically need nothing else. All case law for the course is presented in tables with the facts, key parts of the judgement and a summarised principle of each case. I spent hundreds of hours summarising them this way and it will save you a LOT of time. All case law is colour coded in pink, and all legislation is blue. This makes locating it within the notes nice and easy. Includes all topics (and subsections within them): 1. Parliamentary Sovereignty and Rule of Law 2. Constitutional History 3. Constitutional Amendment 4. 'The People' 5. Representative Parliament 6. Responsible Executive 7. Executive Powers 8. Oversight of Executive 9. Constitutional Safeguards for Judicial Power


Semester 2, 2020

218 pages

90,665 words



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