Comprehensive PSYU3399 Notes, Distinction (83).
Subject notes for Macq. PSYU3399
These notes have got it all! They include a survival guide to the unit, as well as notes on all the weekly content, required readings, and WHS + ethics modules. Overall, my grades are in the top 1% of my cohort and I have a WAM of 89. For this unit specifically, I received a final exam grade of over 90, and an overall grade of 83. As such, I trust that these notes will be very useful to you in getting awesome grades. ~Contents~ Survival Guide Week 1: Introduction - Lecture Week 2: PACE Modules - Ethics modules, WHS modules Week 3: Human Aggression - Lecture, tutorial Week 4: Mass Media & Violence - Lecture Week 5: Internet Pornography - Reading, lecture, tutorial Week 6: Psychology Career Pathways - Lecture Week 7: Driver Behaviour - Reading, tutorial, lecture Week 8: Psychological Literacy - Lecture, reading Week 9: Professional Organisations - The APS - Lecture, tutorial Week 10: National Practice Standards & Professional Behaviour in Psychology - Lecture, reading Week 11: Legislation - Lecture, tutorial Week 12: Professional Development - Lecture, tutorial
Semester 2, 2020
52 pages
15,151 words
Macq., North Ryde
Member since
February 2019
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